Thursday, March 13, 2014


Consumers in the United States have historically benefited by competition among manufacturers that produce high quality products. A prime example of that today exists between two of the leading window companies: Wallside and Hansons. This website is dedicated to the concept of explaining why Hansons supplies a superior window.

Hansons is so confident of the windows they provide to the public that they offer a guarantee which covers everything not merely a warranty which covers only some aspects of a product.

Hansons offers IQ GLASS which is the absolute best for the average household. The extensive engineering, imperviousness to breakage, superior chemical composition and heat reflectivity factors of Hansons products simply cannot be matched by Wallside windows. Furthermore, the safety of children is of paramount importance and Hansons uses Kids Safe Glass in 90% of their windows.

Federal regulations mandate an energy performance rating be assigned to every window. This mandate is in accordance with the provisions of the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). The energy performance of Hansons Triple Pane Windows outperforms Wallside by a factor exceeding 30%. There is ample anecdotal evidence that Hansons routinely performs a heat transfer test on their windows whereas Wallside does not. See, for example, the testimonial offered at:  or the video at:

Not only can a homeowner get the best replacement windows from Hansons, but the rest of his or her home improvement needs as well: Roofing, Siding, Gutters and Gutter Guards. Can Wallside make that claim?

Additionally, there are intangible features offered by Hansons which exceed those of its competitors, including Wallside. Hansons offers styles and quality for any budget, no sales pressure or pricing games, easy and affordable price options and guaranteed lowest prices - in writing.

The overall wide range of selections, superior chemical composition and professional craftsmanship and installation services is unmatched by any competitor in the industry, including Wallside. For more in-depth information about Hansons Windows, visit: or call them at: 888-778-0212.


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